List of publication on the pathology direction
The main scientific directions of the Department of Pathology.
- Maternal and perinatal death, the study of the causes of placenta pathology, pathogenesis and pathological anatomy. (Research supervisor – Professor Kh.Tursunov).
- Structural and functional features of the internal organs on the external factors of various types, lungs, kidneys, intestines, liver and gall bladder. The morphological, immunohistochemical studies. (Supervisor – Professor B. Magrupov).
- Causes of infant mortality, the study of the pathogenesis and pathological anatomy. (Supervisor – Professor R.Isroilov).
- Genetic polymorphism of the body warm-blooded animals. The study of the effects of certain polymorphisms somatic pathology and drug therapy. A study of the roles of genes responsible for the biotransformation of drugs. (Research superviser- professor B.Iriskulov).
Scientific work
- Morfo functional state hypophysially and peripheral endocrine organs in the immune response. (Applicant – Associate I.Umirov. Subject approved 26.02. 2014.
- Mikrogemodinamika lung parenchyma on the dynamics of hydronephrosis transformation characteristic ultrastructural destruction nefronovyh compartments and ways of their experimental treatment. (Applicant – assistant R.Tajibayeva).
- Violation of blood rheology and microcirculation with endothelial dysfunction in experimental toxicosis and ways of their pathogenetic correction. (Applicant – assistant D.Yuldashev).
- Morphological changes of the heart and blood vessels intraorgan infants in preeclampsia mother. (Applicant – assistant E.Eshboev)